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Documentary films made by Roger Sandall

Titles Festivals
Walbiri Ritual at Ngama 1966 [Festival dei Popoli, Florence 1967]
Djungguan at Yirrkala 1966
The Mulga Seed Ceremony 1967 [Festival dei Popoli, Florence 1968]
Emu Ritual at Ruguri 1967 [Venice Film Festival, 1st prize for documentary, 1968]
Walbiri Ritual at Gunadjarai 1969 [Australian Film Awards, 1969]
Gunabibi: an Aboriginal Fertility Cult 1968
Pintubi Revisit Yumari 1970 [Festival dei Popoli, Florence 1972]
Pintubi Revisit Yaru-Yaru 1972 [Australian Film Awards, 1973]
Camels and the Pitjantjara 1969
Coniston Muster 1975 [Festival dei Popoli, Florence 1975]
Larwari and Walkara 1976 [Australian Film Awards, 1976]

Anthropological advisors on the above films included Nicolas Peterson, Jeremy Long, Stephen Wild, and Ken Hansen. Restrictions today apply to who may and who may not view particular films. Anyone wishing to see them should apply to the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (AIATSIS), GPO Box 553, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.

Posted in For the Record, Filmography.

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